Whether your event is a fresher's week party featuring celebrity DJs and high-profile signed artistes, a corporate year-end celebration with a function band or a no-holds-barred out-and-out loud festival bash, we can handle all artistic and associated technical elements for you from start to finish.
Once details of venue, budget and the nature of the show have been established, you can simply leave it to us. We work with artistes of all levels and employ professional sound engineers using professional grade sound systems at all events.
Our understanding and handling of festival, commercial, corporate, family, pub, club, charity and student events has enabled us to develop a client base as varied as Hull's World Trade Centre, the Children's University, The Deep, Tribfest, Piper Club, Welly Club and other venues across the country (we travel nationwide) and beyond. Black tie socialite soirée or workboots pub, we do it all.
*No, it's not the news, that's Current Affairs. It's not information on what the raisins of the world are up to either, that's Currant Events.